Census data for income, jobs, poverty, work transportation

The U.S. Census Bureau released its 2019-2023 American Community Survey five-year estimates. Here are some of its findings related to income and jobs in Marion County.

1. What’s the median income in Marion County?

The median income of households in Marion County was about $57,300. An estimated 5% of households had income below $10,000 a year and about 4% had income of $200,000 or more.

Median earnings for full-time year-round workers was about $49,000. For men full-time year-round workers, the median earnings were about $53,000. For women full-time year-round workers the median earnings were about $43,000.

2. What were the poverty rates in Marion County

In 2019-2023, about 15% of people were in poverty.

An estimated 18% of children under 18 were below the poverty level, compared to about 10% of people 65 years old and over. An estimated 16% of people 18-64 years old were below the poverty level.

About 17% of households received SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). An estimated 46% of households that received SNAP had children under 18. About 32% of households that received SNAP had one or more people 60 years old or older.

3. How did household receive income?

Some households received income from more than one source.

About 70% of households received earnings. An estimated 39% of households received Social Security and an estimated 30% of households received retirement income other than Social Security.

The average income from Social Security was about $21,000 annually

4. What industries are workers in Marion County working in?

The most popular fields are manufacturing and educational services, health care and social assistance.

Each category saw about 23% of workers selecting those fields. About 11% worked in retail trade, about 9% in arts, about 8% in professional, scientific, and management, and administrative and waste management services, and about 6% in construction.

5. How did Marion County workers get to their jobs?

About 82% of Marion workers drove to work alone. About 6% carpooled and another 6% worked from home.

The average commute time was about 24 minutes to travel to work from home.

This article originally appeared on Marion Star: US census releases data on income and jobs in Marion County, Ohio

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.yahoo.com/news/marion-numbers-census-data-income-190242373.html