County considering noise ordinance

Jan. 7—ANDERSON — Madison County Commissioners on Tuesday introduced an ordinance to control unwanted and excessive noise in the county.

A public hearing has been set for Jan. 21, at which time the ordinance will be put to a vote.

County attorney Jeff Graham said the county already has a nuisance ordinance in place, but the new proposal would address loud noises.

“The problem with a noise ordinance is how do you enforce it,” he said.

Graham said he looked at how other Indiana counties deal with excessive noise.

“This gives law enforcement an additional tool when dealing with the worst of the worst offenders,” he said.

The proposed ordinance places a restriction on the operation of large equipment from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. and within 75 feet of a public road.

The ordinance also covers dog barking and includes exemptions for fireworks between 7 a.m. and midnight or two hours after sundown.

The ordinance provides for a fine of $250 for the first offense, $500 for a second offense and $1,000 for subsequent offenses.


John Richwine was elected to continue to serve as president of the board during 2025, and Olivia Pratt was elected vice president.

Commissioners approved the following appointments of department heads with no changes in 2025:

Tom Ecker, county administrator; Graham, county attorney; Jessica Bastin, county engineer; Roger Edens, director of Madison County Emergency Management; Jenny Chambers, director of Central Dispatch; Stephenie Mellinger, director of Health Department; and Scott Harless, highway superintendent.

Beatrice Ramey, director of Human Resources; Lisa Cannon, IT director; John Smock, properties manager; Dee Dee Keesling, recycling center director; and David Herbert and Christopher Teague, Veterans Affairs.

Follow Ken de la Bastide on Twitter @KendelaBastide, or call 765-640-4863.

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