Dave Myers, a parent and veteran, becomes fifth candidate to run for SPS board

David “Dave” Myers II, a parent and veteran, is the fifth candidate to announce plans to run for the Springfield school board.

He recently picked up a packet and started collecting the voter signatures required to appear on the April 8 ballot.

“I am deeply concerned about the current state of our school district,” Myers said in an email to the News-Leader. “My goal is to ensure that students are valued, teachers are supported and fiscal management is improved.”

Dave Myers

There will be two seats open on the board in April, currently held by Kelly Byrne, who is running for a second term, and Steve Makoski, who is not.

Myers will be among four first-time candidates including Gail Smart, Sarah Hough and Nathan Jordan.

The two candidates with the most votes will be sworn in to serve three-year, at-large terms.

Candidates must collect and submit the signatures of at least 500 registered voters who live in the district by Dec. 31.

Myers, 42, said he has lived in southwest Missouri his entire life. He described himself as a married father, volunteer, active church-goer and soldier with the Missouri National Guard.

More: United Springfield PAC prepares for April election of school board, mayor, City Council

Myers said he has worked as a legislative aid in the Missouri House and as a substitute teacher in the Springfield district. He is currently employed as a local aircraft mechanic.

“I want to empower teachers in the classroom, promote critical thinking skills in students, cut administrative waste, and make sure our district can compete with alternative education options like school choice and homeschooling,” he said.

Myers has written many letters to the editor published in the News-Leader on a range of topics.

Myers was one of the organizers of Live Free Springfield, a political action group that has opposed past ordinances restricting smoking in Springfield.

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: Dave Myers becomes candidate for Springfield school board

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.yahoo.com/news/dave-myers-parent-veteran-becomes-230058653.html