Kentucky legislators, please do not lower the income tax, but consider the best interests of the state’s economy and people. Every job needs two beds (we want a future generation). But we have low unemployment, a boom in job creation and not enough housing. Next year apportion a half billion to housing creation focusing on Kentuckians at 70% or below median income. Even the KY Chamber of Commerce identified lack of housing an impediment to our future.
Government intervened in the 1940s to help rental and ownership home builders and help purchasers: A huge percentage of white households benefitted (Black households were explicitly excluded). The country’s economy thrived. It is a lesson; we can do it again better and fairly if you commit to invest government money.
On a personal level — an unhoused family experienced childbirth in a stable. But three very wise men showed up with gold and other wealth for the family. Sounds like down payment assistance and a small business grant to a home builder (carpentry) to me. That unhoused family moved from a stable into stability.
Learn. Keep the income tax rate the same and next year budget housing.
—Cathy Hinko, 40206
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This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Leave income tax rate the same. Lawmakers invest in housing | Letters