If I buy a car from another state, can I keep my current plates?

Q: My car is currently registered in Rhode Island. If I trade in my car and purchase a new car from a dealership in New Hampshire, can I transfer my registration and current license plates to the new car?

− Sara H.

A: You certainly can transfer your registration from your current vehicle to your new vehicle as long as the vehicle and plate types match (passenger vehicle/plate to passenger vehicle/plate).

Please make sure you inform the dealership that this is what you want to do, especially if they are going to be submitting the paperwork on your behalf. I would suggest you include a note in the paperwork indicating the plate transfer so the clerk processing the transaction on behalf of you and the dealership knows your intentions.

If you will be doing the transaction yourself, please let the clerk know that you want to transfer your plate onto your new vehicle. Reservations are required to come into any of the DMV branches.

For more information on registrations and paperwork that is required, please visit our website (dmv.ri.gov) and go to the “Registration, Plates & Titles” tab. The DMV forms and applications can also be printed from our website under the “Forms” tab.

Chuck Hollis

Chuck Hollis is assistant administrator of the Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles. Please email your questions to cars@providencejournal.com with “Ask the DMV” in the subject field.

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Can I transfer my plates to a car bought out of state? | Ask the RI DMV

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.yahoo.com/news/buy-car-another-state-keep-100142156.html