Local groups aiding victims of wildfires; how you can help
Local groups and volunteers are stepping up to support Southern California as wildfires continue.
Aid organization World Vision loaded a truck with roughly 30,000 pounds of supplies that will arrive in Los Angeles on Friday.
The group is sending water, food, personal hygiene items, air mattresses, and toys to assist those impacted.
“We try to send toys with every load,” said World Vision Site Manager Roberta Taylor. “A lot of times the kids just need a little something they can hold on to.”
World Vision will work with an organization based in Los Angeles to distribute the supplies.
“It breaks my heart,” Taylor said. “It just, it brings me to tears, just knowing that there are people out there that have just lost their whole life.”
The American Red Cross Northwest Region is preparing to deploy team members as well.
“We have three volunteers already this morning who are on standby, who have raised their hands and said, ‘Yes, I will go,’” said Abby Walker with the Northwest Region.
Walker stressed it is still early in the disaster, and plans are still coming together.
“From what we’re seeing right now, this is going to last for several weeks,” she said.
So how can you help?
Most organizations prefer monetary donations over donations of supplies.
“It allows us to be able to purchase exactly what is needed to get it into the to the hands of those that need it,” Taylor said.
You can donate to World Vision here and the American Red Cross here. The Red Cross also is always eager for more volunteers.
When donating during disasters, avoid falling for scams. Donate only to trusted organizations and be wary of anyone soliciting for funds.
When donating online, ensure the charity name and web address is not an impersonator, by catching misspellings or other red flags.