Dec. 19—LIMA — A Harrod man was sentenced to four years on probation and 30 days in jail for third-degree felonies of burglary and violating a protection order Thursday.
It was up to Allen County Common Pleas Court Judge Terri Kohlrieser whether Spencer Coon, 22, received probation or prison time, but she said she chose probation because of the “positive direction” he’s taking in receiving addiction help, as mentioned by his attorney, Andrea Henning.
Kohlrieser said she ordered jail time, however, because she wanted Coon to see what would result if he backtracked. She also ordered him to obtain employment and complete reentry or mental health court.
Henning also confirmed the protection order is still in place, since Henning previously said it was lifted.
“He’s a much different person than I first met. He was actively drinking and in addiction. Since then, he has gone to BrightView, he has completed inpatient treatment, he is in aftercare, he’s getting medical treatment for his alcoholism along with counseling, and he has really changed his thought patterns I believe,” Henning said while arguing a probation sentence for Coon.
Kohlrieser said, “A lot of times it takes people a few times of sinking to the bottom and making huge strides before it finally sinks in. You jumped to a very big bottom very quickly. I hope you think about this if you ever get that feeling again and ask yourself, ‘Is that drink worth it?'”
Reach Charlotte Caldwell at 567-242-0451.
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