Michele Krieg appointed Geneva school board president

Jan. 9—GENEVA — The Geneva Area City School Board appointed Michele Krieg to serve as its board president for the year at an organizational meeting Tuesday.

She began serving on the board in 2024.

Krieg said the district has a lot of good things coming its way.

“I’m excited to work with everyone here,” she said. “Moving forward, it’s a new year, new challenges, new changes, and we’re going to work together do the best for our school district, our kids, our staff our students, our families.”

Board member Elizabeth Cybulski was appointed vice president.

The board set up its schedule for 2025, deciding to meet at 6:30 p.m. every third Wednesday of the month at Geneva High School.

There are two exceptions for the dates, which are the first board meeting of the year, which will take place Jan. 22, and the June meeting, which will take place on the 25th.

Board member Marti Milliken Dixon said she’s received one resume for the open superintendent position.

The board voted to separate from its previous superintendent, Terri Hrina-Treharn, in August 2024.

Since then, David Riley has served as interim superintendent.

The board agreed in December 2024 to have an advertisement for the position placed on the district’s website.

The deadline to apply is Jan. 31.

The board approved five law firms the district can work with: Squire Patton Boggs, Brickler Graydon, Weston Hurd, Pepple and Waggoner and Andrews and Pontius.

Krieg said the district should imitate other districts in Ohio, which have a diverse list of law firms specializing in different fields.

“They don’t use them all every year,” she said. “They have them when they need them.”

There are law firms that specialize in union issues, construction and other topics, Krieg said.

“[If] we need a heart doctor, we’re not going to a podiatrist, we’re going to go to a cardiologist,” she said. “The legal world is the same way. We need to go to a practice that specializes in the need that we have as a district.”

Board member Brock Pierson said he’s heard Pepple and Waggoner is willing to present at a future board meeting.

The board authorized the district treasurer to invest funds not needed to meet current expenditures.

Treasurer Shelly McDermott said the provision is new.

The board approved its 2025-2026 tax budget.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.yahoo.com/news/michele-krieg-appointed-geneva-school-141700379.html