Dec. 24—Dear Answer Man: When Trooper Shane Roper crashed by Apache Mall there was a 20-year-old ride-along. What is the ride-along’s name and why was he a ride along? Seems there has been no news coverage about this person and I would like to know. If there is a trial I’m sure he will be a witness, right? — Curious Lloyd.
Dear Curious,
While I don’t always rehash our reporting, I think yours is a question that likely many of our readers have.
So, here’s what we know and here’s what we don’t know.
The ride-along passenger’s name is Peter Meyer of Zumbrota. He’s mentioned in Post Bulletin stories from May 20, 2024 , June 20, 2024 , and a day later on June 21, 2024 .
Meyer, as mentioned previously, was injured in the crash, though to what extent we don’t know. We hope it was minimal.
As for the reason for his ride-along, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety has this to say about its ride-along program: “Learn what it means to be a part of the pride, tradition and excellence of Minnesota State Troopers with our ride-along program. The program allows people interested in becoming part of the Minnesota State Patrol to join a trooper for part of the day, including riding along with them during patrol.”
Those eligible for a ride-along must be 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license and “You must be interested in a career with the Minnesota State Patrol.”
We know Meyer was 20 at the time of the ride-along, and we can then assume he met the other two criteria.
And, yes, Meyer is on the witness list for the trial of Shane Roper.
If you’ll recall, Roper is accused of speeding east on 12th Street Southwest and causing the crash that killed Olivia Flores, an Owatonna teen, just days before her high school graduation. Flores’ parents have filed a wrongful death suit.
Roper has been dismissed from the Minnesota State Patrol. He made his initial court appearance in August and there is an omnibus hearing scheduled for February 2025.
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